
Egypt Tour 2022

July 18, 2021

Niketra Beraud

Would you like to take trip to Egypt? For the past few months I’ve been wondering where should I go on my first trip out of the country and believe Egypt would be a great place start. We all know that you get what you ask for and it seems the Universe is working in my favor because I discovered a guide who would like to host a tour of Egypt in January 2022.

I’m looking for some people who would like to go on this adventure with me so if you are interested here’s more information directly from the host!

Niketra Beraud Dreaming of Egypt

Melanin Money

July 21, 2021

A private channel has just been created on Telegram which is where the class may be streamed this Fall 2021!

Livestream Class

Livestream class launching Fall 2021! Stretch your mind to spend and receive millions of dollars flowing throughout your life experience. Once you let go of your old thinking, change your beliefs and become aware of your divine connection to the unlimited abundance of the universe life becomes much more fun!

Thanks to technology we have the ability to connect with people all over the world with one touch. This advancement also effects our finances, health, wellbeing and practically every area of our life if we understand and take advantage of the opportunities waiting for us to explore! Discover who you are as a vibrational being and tap into the energy of infinite love, abundance, prosperity, health and wealth from the Universe/God/Goddess/ All That Is.

During this Age of Aquarius we are experiencing times of change and upheaval (we witnessed this all 2020). A common position expressed by many astrologers sees the Age of Aquarius as that time when humanity takes control of the Earth and its own destiny as its rightful heritage, with the destiny of humanity being the revelation of truth and the expansion of consciousness, and that some people will experience mental enlightenment in advance of others and therefore be recognized as the new leaders in the world

Photo by Pixabay on

Digital calendar coming soon


Millionaire Monday

July 19, 2021

This year we are doing the work to create and realize our fondest dreams and being able to have money and resources available is a part of the path, as we are spiritual beings living on the physical Earth plane this is an area of life we ALL connect to. There is no one way to do this, everyone has their journey so remember to stay focused on yourself and not compare your results to anyone else because at the end of it all none of us is coming out of this alive. So lighten up, have some fun and live a little!

There are several layers to uncover when it comes to deconstructing your beliefs and changing the paradigm around money. The truth is abundance is natural, living a life of wealth and prosperity is your birthright and no matter where you are on your journey there is always something better for you to experience.

Money and Your Human Design

Earning millions and billions of dollars requires reprogramming your mindset, learning about vibrational energy, and your connection to this universe. I have experienced the power of this intangible power that we all have access to throughout my life which is why I continue to learn and be open to new ideas and energy. I don’t have the solution to everyone’s money problem but I know that what I’ve been taught and learned from my youth that there is more to this money thing than we all know. What ever you believe becomes true and the Universe will provide proofs of your belief….so I decided to rearrange and change my thoughts and beliefs in order to bring about new experiences for me and it really works.

Photo by David McBee on

June 19, 2021

There are some important lessons I’m learning about myself as I embark on the journey of earning millions of dollars. One of them is staying focused on me and not concerning myself with what anyone else is doing. For some strange reason I want to save and help others but I can not give to anyone unless my cup is full. So being able to earn millions of dollars is only teaching me to love myself and others just as we are and not trying to change things outside of. There is a spiritual component to increasing my finances as well because I’m attempting to do and be something that is new to me but it feels more like I’ve been cleaning up some old thought patterns and beliefs just to bring out the true me, the infinitely abundant, loving and prosperous me. I’m also excited about the new relationships and experiences that await me in the future. I’m ready to make some changes within myself in order to bring about new results. I have clarity and new insight now that I have changed my thinking. It’s amazing what we as humans have the ability and power to do with our own lives and how that impacts others and our environment.

June 14, 2021

Don’t limit yourself or hold yourself away from receiving tools and resources that have the ability to improve all areas of your life and those around you. There is an unlimited source available to each and every one us that we can tap into to gain more knowledge, wisdom or whatever you need help and guidance with.

When I decided not to go back to work for anyone else back in 2018 it has been the most interesting and life giving journey for the past few years. I’m very proud of my success and growth as well as the new opportunities to come my way. The best part of being able to master the creations of attracting money and other resources to me is my personal exploration of my creativity and newfound interest in human design. Once you gain the understanding that you can create and recreate who are you can enjoy this wonderful delicious world of form.

Meet the hot Billionaire who has developed unique strategies and tactics to attract everlasting money, abundance and prosperity in conjunction to the Universal laws. Niketra Beraud wants to remind humanity of its divinity and eternal nature during these times.

Houston, TX 2021

Join Community

We are in the height of Spring season. It’s time to accept and allow infinite abundance into your life. There are many wonderful blessings waiting for you to discover and enjoy. Tune into the podcast and join community based on increasing love, wealth and prosperity consciousness. We love sharing our ideas and watching them flourish into something beautiful. It is our intention to come together in a co creative manner to manifest what we desire. Understand that we live in an inclusive and loving universe. When you apply universal laws and uncover the truths about our environment you will begin to live a magnificent, exciting and fulfilling life.


Rich Bich

Mansion Movement

July 19, 2021

Niketra Beraud

Photo by Chris Goodwin on

On a mission to live my best life until the day I die! Living in a mansion is just one of the tasks on my list of things to do in my lifetime and I’m not able to do it alone so if you’re ready to be a part of the mansion movement then this is your chance join me. At the moment I’m scouting places like Los Angeles, New York and a few other places for something contemporary, luxurious, with at least 3-5 bedrooms, a fountain, outdoor pool, and a bar to start off with. Take a look at what I found and let me know what are your thoughts? Would you live here?

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Rich Book E-book

June 19, 2021

This digital download is inspired to get you on fire about increasing your finances and opening up to new ways to creating income online. Fun, Entertaining and Inspirational.

Buy Now $50

Hosted By: Niketra Beraud

Digital Product

June 6, 2021

I am increasingly attracting more love, money, abundance and prosperity into my life. It won’t be long before you see me in a new whip, a mansion or yacht by the end of the year. If your are as fired up as me then I recommend you tune into the the Rich Bich episode to get inspired.

June 2, 2021

Ya girl is ready to bring in millions of dollars and live the life of my dreams. Sounds fun but the truth is there are lessons to learn about yourself on journey like this. After making my decision that I wanted more for myself, to increase my finances and live an abundant, vibrant and fulfilled life the most important thing that changed for me was my relationships with others. I had to learn to be happy from the inside and not be disturbed by the negative influences of others,including family members. I had to learn to love others in a way I never have before but that’s what comes with having the type of money you never had before. So I’m taking the time to congratulate myself of achieving a new goal for myself this year! Rich Bich!

Wasup Bitches! Are you tired of living an average medicore life? Already paid and satisfied with where you are? Then its time to become a Rich Bich and Niketra Beraud is here to light some fire in life to creating income online in 2021!

Rich Bich is a fun and entertaining e-book/ presentation that sparks fire to create millions online! Definitely a one of a kind read.

Downloadable digital product. Once purchase is confirmed you will have lifetime access. $25

Access Now!

This is one of my favorite digital products thus far for so many reasons! I’m excited about the impact this have and it’s now available for purchase this Spring 2021!

I’ve learned that most people think that being rich is about how much money you have in your bank account or even about your status, title and position. With this digital download, Niketra Beraud intends to change your point of view of money no matter what your bank account says. This edgy and one of a kind digital product is sure to spark some fire in your quest for becoming a rich bich. Fun, entertaining and impactful for the digital age.

Currently on sale this Spring and Summer for $25!

Rich Bich Lessons:

On your way to becoming a Rich Bich, there may be some people who are recognize your growth and changes and they may express that they don’t like it, may express jealous behavior, or cut ties with you. It happens to us but that’s ok because life is journey and we are here to learn. I had my own moment when someone I knew leveled up their life, increased their finances and I began to feel some type of way about them. I eventually stop talking to them and decided to make some changes in my life as well. So the lesson learned was that I could be able to love and appreciate myself regardless of who or what was happening around me. Girl we only have one life to live, spend time having fun and feeling good because we all going to heaven anyway.

I know its been a long time coming but now that I’m 30 years old with no kids full of life and potential, I recently had the thought about who else is supposed to spend all the money that’s circulating in our economy. The so called president is discussing what to do with TRILLIONS of dollars….here I am squirming for millions. We are human beings, we are supposed to be rich and having fun earning and spending all the money we can. When I had this thought it made me feel more comfortable about allowing more money to flow through my experience. It also led me to find others who have or were making that amount of money to make it feel more real to me.

No matter where you are on your financial journey, I’ve learned to continue to ask for, and feel good about increasing my finances because I understand that money flows like energy. There are times when money is high and low, if you continue to ask for more then you won’t have to stress when the tide is low. The challenge here is to continue to feel good, abundant and worthy no matter your bank account because we are learning to attract abundance.


Law of Attraction

June 15, 2021

I was introduced to the law of attraction around 2012-2014 and began studying more so in 2017-2018. It’s not mainstream but its coming more into peoples awareness during this era. My understanding is that there is more to life than what we could see with our eyes but I would say most of already knew that are will come to know that because there are just some things we can not explain especially when it comes to the behaviors of others.

Vibration is the basis of your experience and can use the word energy interchangeably. Everything that is in the air, water and our body is vibration so my understanding is that my environment/situation/circumstance is only a matter of energy and can be changed or transformed.

Abundance can not find you if you are not offering a vibration of abundance. Feeling the essence of something will help it to come. Using your imagination is a gift.

We all have our own intuitive guidance system. You can tell by the way you feel if its working and can change it.

Photo by Pixabay on

Wealth Consciousness


We are jumping right into it! Wealth is a state of being, it is an eternal life giving journey that anyone can decide to uncover. Humanity is evolving, our consciousness is expanding, leading us to live in a new Earth. What helps me to access this vibration are a few things:

  1. We have access to the internet, which connects to people all over the globe.
  2. As a human being I’m aware of my divine birth rite to be rich, wealthy, abundant and prosperous because I am connected to a Universal Power/ Infinite Intelligence/ Goddess/ All That Is


Increase your finances

With your personal energy, emotions and new mental programming. As technology advances so does our consciousness, in other words, humanity is evoloving into a higher state. In order to receive, capture and hold a new high vibrational state. This is a process that requires patience, new levels of learning and increased overall well being. Tap into deeper levels of awareness and self love with Niketra Beraud as your spiritual guide. She has experienced various stages of growth and can assist you along your wealth consciousness journey.

June 2, 2021

We have a new challenge to overcome when it comes to tapping into wealth consciousness. When one decides to bring more love and abundance into their life that has an effect on both people and the environment so it will be normal to experience people that appear to not be happy or satisfied with you. The challenge is to keep your vibration high and stay focus on feeling good no matter what. You can set an example for others who wanting to tap into wealth consciousness who may not be ready and that’s ok. The lesson here is to not judge or criticize another person who has expressed their concern for you because you were once early in your journey. The best thing you can do for others is to stand solid in your happy place and they will have to raise their vibration in order to be in your vicinity. If people are not on your frequency then they can’t come into your experience. So a reminder to self is to keep your focus on how you want to feel because whatever you give your attention to expands whether you want it or not.

Wealth is a state of consciousness:

I would say I had a positive image of finances and money at young age being able to work at job without feeling the pressure of having to and the fact that I receive lots of gifts from family and friends its not something that took up a lot of my time until I got older, the circle of people started changing, and began to think about my future. One mistake that I can say I’ve made around money is focusing so hard on making it, getting it, pursuing it until it consumed me. I guess you can say I developed a fear of not having it but it wasn’t until I gave it away that I saw for myself what the importance of money had for me. So many people are hung up about, it seems like no one is ever satisfied around the topic of money and even countries go to war over it so its like there has to be more to life than just money like respect, love, health and attention. It’s not God its not the only important topic of life so the question is how do we move to a wealth consciousness?

Money and the law of attraction video

Photo by Olya Kobruseva on

I can’t say that everyone wants to have a whole lot of money but it is nice to have it. I’m learning that as we go throughout life there will be times when the money is flowing in and times when its neutral or low so when you have the opportunity to ask for more I suggest you do that because just like everything else in this world it’s all energy. I’ve read some books, and listen to audio to help me along my financial journey and in the beginning I though I would be making more money than when I started but where I am now is my viewpoint and perception of money and how to attain it has changed. I’m grateful that I took it upon myself to learn something other than what my parents or society has taught me about finances and money. I feel this is a subject that we all have a connection to but we have endless beliefs and ridiculous blockages about money. I want to dive into it just a little bit to work the kinks out, apply what you learn and go with the flow because there’s no need to make a big deal out of it. When you have plenty of it one think and feel different about it. All I can say is if you change the story that you tell yourself about your financial past and open your mind to receive new ideas(this is key) things will begin to manifest for you.

We have either heard it all before or perhaps even tried it but in 2021 its becoming imperative to build and connect with others online. Now that we are here what are some creative ways to do this? Lets share all the tips and secrets and see how we can move the culture forward to earning money online.

Photo by PNW Production on

More peoples dreams are coming true to make life more easy, fun and rewarding in terms of earning income. It wasn’t until I started having some new revelations as I matured into and adult that I should not be working for money. Money is not what we want its the things money can buy and the variety of experiences that we desire. So when I decided to stop working FOR money and changed my focus on what value or service or knowledge I could provide or offer to many people is when it began to flow my way.

I’ve been using the internet for all kinds of searches since I was a kid so it’s only naturally that we figure out some ways to do this. It’s kind of hard to set a goal of how much money I would like since I’m aware that its infinite and of course with my futuristic mind I’m making plans to have financial security in my old age.

Money Lessons

A long time ago I stop attaching my feelings to money, like feeling not so good if I have a little in the bank account or being happy and energetic if the numbers look good.


Live Badges

Spring 2021

Instagram has outdone itself this year with new feature of badges during livestream sessions. This features gives viewers the option to monetarily support creators by purchasing a badge during the broadcast. This is amazing and personally feel this is the beginning of a movement to build online communities and expand the ways we can create income online.

Creator account must be active in order to receive payments

Livestream Class

Join the creator community where we share tips, advice and multiple strategies in today’s e-commerce.

creating income online

How-to Livestream Business

May 19, 2021

We are half way through the year and with many changes happening in our society we want to make sure that we are evolving and adapting to be current and up to speed with the times. We seen more people go online and connect through video chats, the currency is changing from physical money to digital money with the push of trading and cryptocurrency and on a personal note I feel that there are more components to life like mental health and wellbeing gaining more awareness. So what does that mean for us? A whole lot of opportunity if you ask me!

Niketra Beraud coined the term livestream business.

This entrepreneur is combining her love for business and e-commerce to bring forth modern ways for just about any company to connect with its audience. In this day and age having some creativity can be the foundation of your very own business, just turn on the camera and showcase your talents or personality. With your own livestream business you can be the star of your very own show or the go-to person for advice or entertainment. Niketra not believes that livestreaming is the future of all business but the way of communication for the future. Not everyone feels comfortable sharing their life online but with community guidelines and video hosting sites adding more details for monetization and privacy you will wonder why didn’t we have these features a long time ago!

Livestream business

First to coin the term livestream business and laying a soft foundation for what that may look like for some. Ranging in hourly sessions and monthly packages, your online brand has a sure fire way of getting off the ground with livestreams increasing online engagement and activity.

Photo by Samson Katt on

Live badges

Content creators now making money online via social apps. Watch this mogul create an online empire!

If you have a lot of knowledge or experience with a particular topic or simply interested in sharing your passion then there are some options on the table to turning it into a profit making business.


IM Academy

Learn to trade in the FOREX market

July 20, 2021

Join now!

Hi family, hope all is well and that your accounts are increasing since becoming a member of IM Academy. I’ll be honest with you, It has been months since becoming a member and I haven’t mastered it yet but there is so much to learn! If you’re ready to improve your finances by learning a new skill of trading in the FOREX market then I have an opportunity for you!

April 18, 2021

Hello family! We are only on month in since joining IM Academy the online community that teaches how to trade in the Foreign Exchange market. Since joining I have learned some new things about myself and love how there are content creators that are available to keep you inspired and motivated not only in trading but in life. I’d love to have others join the business with me but the approach that I would take is informing prospective team members that there is much to learn and that this is a long term journey.

March 18, 2021

I have some practice now trading live and to be honest there is a bit of a learning curve and building up the confidence to take risks and losses although the more you learn the better the chances of gaining profits. This seems like the future and something vital to learn and understand as we adapt to the worlds changes and shifts that occur. I like the idea that everything is digital/virtual and how that changes the way I think of creating income and the things I spend it on. I feel this gives me a freedom lifestyle which is something I’m adapting to this year as I learn and cryptocurrency.

March 1, 2021

Are you ready to join the winning team? Sign up for the IM mastery academy where we learn together how to create income online with trading in the live markets. Get started today and learn a new skill that will put bring more money to your pockets this year.

Niketra B.

It’s 2021 and I am trying something new this year by starting the IM Mastery Academy business for live trading! I’m exited to be learning a new skill that will assist me in my financial endeavors. I received helped from family members to help me get started. I’m nervous and excited at the same time because I want great results and to be able to give back so I will keep you posted on how well I’m doing within the next month or so. There are options to refer new customers and distributors to join the community of trading currency and you can get started with this link to access now.



May 19, 2021

Feeling like I’m on the right track with this because it wasn’t that long ago I decided to do an artistic style business and then news come out for NFT’s which is something fairly new happening in the digital art world. Yes we working on ways to create digital art and memes that other people will pay for and we are talking big coins here.

March 5, 2021

Guess what! I purchased my first set of paintbrushes and I feel officially a part of the art and painting community. So excited to be doing something new and different this year and can’t wait to show you guys what will come from this. Right now what gives me inspiration for painting is simply self expression of the visions and image that float around my mind and I want to capture some of those moments. I feel called to do portraits and some flat lay type designs. If you want to channel your inner inner Picasso then join me on Instagram @belleoflight where I intend to do livestream sessions of art as I acquire more tools and develop my skills.

Feb.22, 2021

Art is inspiring and in the age of digital tech and electronics we do the best we can to stay authentic and original. The days of copy and paste have transitioned to screen shorting which is how ARTMYLIVE was created; to keep art fresh , original and authentic while still giving credit to the creator. We hop to shine the spotlight on the artist and their stories behind their work.

Artist @belleoflight on Instagram

Donations and investments are accepted to support the virtual experience winter of 2021. I decided to try painting for fun then built up the courage to sell some pieces through my online website. The goal was to have fun expressing myself and make profit online, then create a business model that allowed more people to join me in painting. At the time I wasn’t having much fun in my life and like a kid I played with paint while combing other skills like business and tech to create the ARTMYLIVE experience.

The ultimate mission is to have as much fun as we can, and ended up adding other elements such as food, drinks, lights and music for customized sessions. Each time is unique and different with the pairings of themes and that’s exactly what we want, something fresh and new to look forward to every time! My next goal for the brand is to acquire studio space large enough to host more sessions. Come and party with us.

Pricing for sessions coming soon.