
Gamers now Live

Streaming with a purpose

Gaming and music livestream! Tune in daily to the twitch channel 1cajunspice also featured on the Nikki Network Podcast

May 2020

Brand: yuntrip225

In the wake of the virus that is spreading all over America has changed the lifestyle of many people to adapt to increase online activity and engagement. The gaming community has a strong back bone during a time of isolation, event closures, and schools going online. The world has changed and it’s time for humans to adapt to what some people have already transitioned to and that is a lifestyle that depends solely on the interent for all resources. With this knowledge and information an individual is able to create and spend income online through online social engagement. The brand took off by offering digital products to help companies get online and start their business to very niche products for entertainment and education for specific interests.

We are passionate about the brand we are building and exciting to launch an entertainment studio in addition to our brand. Yes we have been through many changes which we have been able to adept to with ease and our branding and message.

Mission complete


Brand: Hunni2Hunni

Guess what? We have great news as we approach the end of this month and ready to reveal in a mood of celebration that the one of the co owners of Hunni2Hunni brand that shares stories of a digital lifestyle,connection via technology and promotes modern advances in electronics and gadgets in todays world has finally met self imposed goals set at the beginning of 2020 as a new year goal to join and participate in the gaming community has succeeded! Yes the story is true, the seemingly male dominated gaming community has happily invited a female counterpart to the team.

“Playing games used to be a past time experience for me as a kid and as I grew older I realize I lost touch with my fun side” Says the co- owner of Hunni2Hunni brand. In order to rekindle and connect with the fun, creative and child like feelings that bring moments of happiness and devolve stress, some studies have shown that playing games can make you happier. For those who have lost touch with their imaginary side it is encourage to take a break and download an entertaining app that is engaging to help spark a fire.

A message from the brand: It’s a fact that we all go through periods of stress or seemingly tough times as we age and mature in life so its common to become disconnected from that inner child that lies within us but there is a therapeutic solution for you that lies within gaming. In a world of ongoing disasters on a global scale to managing everyday stress from work,neighbors,friends,family etc. it’s no wonder we can lose touch with our imagination as we get older and we have found that a great solution to this common problem can be thwarted with a little downtime of gaming.

The game of choice for the 2020 new years goal of playing more games started of with a mini game on a workout machine and days later participated in 3 rounds of old school checkers with black and red chips and fold-able board and all. While furthering pans to join the online gaming community founder of Hunni2Hunni followed through with creating a twitch account and has yet to upload any videos to the streaming site due to misunderstanding of how it all works. To also make a big impact on this endeavor she has managed to participate in a bout 2 weeks of enjoying the traditional Sonic game for the first time in years on the latest Sony PlayStation gaming system of course with the help of an experienced gamer. This news may sound insignificant or irrelevant for modern gamers but for someone who has been through many challenges and changes in life,lost touch with their creative side to attain the title of being a responsible adult, this is celebratory news for all. For this move shows that there is power in the world of gaming that saves lives. So the journey will continue for this brand to practice and expand its venture to simply enjoy life playing entertaining and interactive games. How bout that!

Now entering the world of gaming

Brand: Hunni2Hunni

Date: Jan 30, 2020

Game Enthusiast

Photo by Carl Raw on Unsplash

Congratulations to all the readers who have made it to see the age of the digital era where people now more than ever are obligated to consume as much media and information as one possibly can.Just kidding….not really,when it comes to the millennial generation who can not live without phones,computers,and other tech gadgets. There are obvious pros and cons to the ever changing lifestyle we all must adjust to with the rise of using technology in our everyday lives. My current solution to this serious consumption of media and information that is easily available and accessible to even kids is to join the world of entertainment and gaming. Why not have a little fun right?!?! If there are any moments of overwhelming stress and malfunction or brain spasms due to over consumption of technology, I recommend taking a break for a day a or two or challenge your self to live with out your fave tech devices for a week or even a month and see what new discoveries lie before you. If its a challenge for you live without your devices, then I believe it’s time to look in the mirror and get real with yourself. Another grand solution to your addiction to technology is to engage in interactive activities or groups that promote creativity and stimulate your intellect vs mindlessly consuming TV shows or social media profiles for hours at a time. We have all been there, so there is no shame in my game.

Photo by Tokyo Luv on Unsplash

Too serious to have fun

As a kid it’s natural to be creative and use your imagination and at some point in my personal life I grew up and became a serious ,responsible, mature adult who decided to take life waaaaay too serious until I lost touch with my imagination. In search of happiness and fun,games were the perfect reconnect needed to spark a little love and light into my world.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Author: Niketra Beraud

Date:Dec. 2019

The time is now for the future of gaming and technology industries. If you want the hottest or latest updates out there on the market you can count on us! In this article we’ll be covering the most recent game release along with live chat video coverage of these games. You’ll see first hand the inside footage of a game host that shares video content with others. The most exciting part is that technology enhances the roles of the gaming community.

By Nikki

Digital E-commerce brand

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