
Natal Birth Chart

Discovery of the Natal Birth Chart

April 14, 2021

Written by: Belle of Light

Date Published: April 2021

Spirituality and Wellness

Hello beautiful beings, I’m currently in a new place in my life. It’s as if I’ve reached a new peak or level and I’m feeling great about where I am on my spiritual journey. I find myself asking one question just about every day and that question is ” What’s next?” It’s like I set goals, reached them and now I’m here. I’m realizing how infinite life is and that there are levels to things. After my experience of participating in a mental health program this year, I have a new perspective on life in a way that I’m more present in my everyday life, I’m willing to take chances and risks because I understand that we only have one life in the here and now I want to live my best life….whatever that really means. I feel guided to share my life lessons, stores and spiritual inclinations online through videos, online courses and blogging and podcasting. Thanks to technology we can create our own lifestyles while discovering ways to earn an income. I consider myself as a spiritual person, not religious or tied to any secular beliefs but on the path of we as humans and cultivate our own rituals and connection to All That Is. To give you a broader view of things, think about the fact that we are a human species living on planet Earth, a spinning rock floating in a distant galaxy. Don’t you think or even wonder that maybe there is a higher order of things at play, aren’t you aware that we are connected to all things including the stars and planets? That is the path that I want to take you as we learn and study our inner connection to the alignment of the planets and the roles they play in our lives.

March 2020

Brand :Belle of Light

As we go through changes that have occurred throughout our society in response to the ongoing health crisis, we are grateful to be able to connect with our fans and followers through such a time. The Belle of Light community is grounded in beliefs of a universal power that is powerful and magnificent beyond what words can describe so it is true to say that we are not affected yet transformed by the situation. You can expect some new and interesting projects to be released on all platforms that include social profile,blog and podcast.

We all need healing in an area or two and that’s exactly what the natal birth chart can reveal to you with the right tools and information. Live videos and information is shared on the social platform as an entry point to understanding how the alignment of the planets can offer more than a therapy session with a counselor.

Natal chart enthusiast and intuitive healer

Welcome to a new and profound area of mental health and wellness that is not mainstream and familiar within today’s current society,although the knowledge and info discovered within one’s natal birth chart is not new to society such as the ancient peoples of Africa and Egyptian civilizations that had a common practice for such practices that involved studying the planets,stars, and cosmic universes that had a direct impact on their everyday lives. Due to the transition of entering the bronze and dark ages, this valuable knowledge and form of technology that lies within our stars and planets have been hidden,distorted,and forgotten. Now as we collectively head deeper into the digital age,with the rise of technology we have discovered so many unknown histories and truths about ancient civilizations that lived before us and come to the conclusion that there are some questions that still can not be answered such as how and why pyramids were built all over the planet and what was the primary use. With so much information floating around the internet and cyberspace its becomes a challenge to differentiate fact from truth,but one thing that us humans can count on to not be manipulated y humans is our solar system. Humans have always had a sense of wonder of what else is out there and are we the only ones floating around in space. According to many stories,documentaries and research studies by scientists, historians and archaeologists, many people are convinced that ancient civilizations that date back 10,000-20,000 years ago once lived in what we would call a technological advanced society not so different to what were are beginning to experience in 2020! Mind blowing right? It is common that we have been taught through public and primary education system that older generations before us were not so advanced and pretty much cave men. With so much study and research from institutions and organizations discovering and uncovering hidden truths and knowledge,it’s not so hard to believe that there may be some fact in how ancient peoples studied the movement of stars and planets because they were aware of how they impacted society as a whole and were a direct reflection of individuals personality traits,traumas, and or strengths and weaknesses.There’s a saying that states “the proof is in the pudding” but who knew that the proof would actually lie within the stars and planets!

Check out more info from this author, mental wellness coach,and intuitive healer on Instagram at Belle of Light!

Natal Birth Chart Info

Date Published:Dec. 2020

Article Written by:Niketra Beraud

Mental wellness coach

For entertainment or spiritual enlightenment purposes only. The only information necessary for reading include birth certificate with exact time and city of birth is required for most accurate reading, although not necessary.

Ancient Egyptian people have been known to have either created or discovered this divine knowledge of the relationship between humans and the solar system. They believed in the interconnected dynamics of outer space played vital roles in understanding the nature of reality. The natal birth chart explains the planetary expressions at the time of ones birth is given a particular set of characteristics, traits, personality, life challenges and more. Discover for yourself if there is any truth to the alignment of the stars. Natal birth chart readings are also known to help individuals in many areas including; self help, personal development, fun and entertaining, spiritual journey material, life crisis, mental health issues and more.

Affirmation for full moon meditation.

What this service has to offer:

I have been studying the natal birth chart for a few years for personal reasons and have found it to be significant to the improvement of my lifestyle choices. It has brought clarity in several areas of my life and in return share the gift that I have discovered in nature and space. There is healing present all around us if we dare to believe!

Learning to read and understand something so in depth and full of sacred knowledge requires some study to fully receive the healing that is available through your natal chart.

Here is a link to the introduction of the Natal Birth Chart Natal chart intro video

If you aren’t interested in booking a session at this time you are still able to take advantage of understanding how to read the valuable information within your personal chart. It’s is encouraged to watch these videos before booking a session so you are equipped and well prepared for your reading. Before booking online you can prepare by taking this free Natal Chart Mini course

Payments are received securely on site.

Natal chart reading session includes: Links to any documents will be sent via email. (Video consultation is optional)

By Nikki

Digital E-commerce brand

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